take this production

Jan Mesdag zingt Brel

Short documentary, 2008, 59 min.

The career of singer and entertainer Jan Mesdag was on a rollercoaster in the mid-1980s. He divided his time between the theatres of New York and Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, he performed in all major venues and sang with well-known artists. He even secured a role in Cats. But then he fell ill. Infected with HIV, which was still largely a mystery back then. There was no treatment for the disease yet, and the young Mesdag was heading for a certain death. He had one last wish: to sing the songs of Jacques Brel. Mesdag: 'The people around me always said you can't touch Brel.' But now that he was dying everybody supported his plan to record a CD with Brel songs.
In the documentary, friends, colleagues and family talk about Mesdag, who passed away in 1988. About his talent and ambition. About his illness and the fulfilment of his last wish. Including archive footage of concerts, photographs and old interview extracts, in which Mesdag talks about his imminent death. Obviously complemented by songs performed by Mesdag.





Cinematographer - DoP


Location sound recordist

Production company